Promoting knowledge and awareness

Since 1976, in addition to a number of prize-winning books, I have published more than 200 popular articles on a variety of journals and magazines on the subject of marine biology and conservation. In 1986 and 1987 I was science editor for Aqua Magazine (Edizioni del Cormorano, Milano).

I have also been a popular guest of numerous national television broadcasts in Italy, including “L’Arca di Noè”, “Buona Domenica”, “Il Mondo degli Animali”, “Unomattina”, “Alla Ricerca dell’Arca”, “Linea Blu”, “Sereno Variabile”, “La Macchina del Tempo”, “TG4”. I have also been frequently interviewed by radio broadcast in Italy (e.g., Radio tre, “Il volo delle oche”) and in Switzerland (Radiotelevisione svizzera di lingua italiana). From 1997 to 2012 I have been a regular guest and scientific advisor to “Geo & Geo”, a television program on science and the environment broadcasted live from Rai 3. In summer 1996 I featured in the documentary on fin whales “Giants of the Mediterranean”, produced by Cicada Films Ltd., London.

In all these occasions I have strived to bring to the general public a clear explanation of complex issues of science and conservation through informative entertainment, providing a new approach to communicating marine conservation issues.

With Licia Colò, Guido Tosi and crew in Glacier Bay, Alaska, filming for “Alla ricerca dell’Arca”, June 1992 (photo by Michele Zito).

For years, between 2006 and 2015, I have been teaching a course on the science and policy of the conservation of marine biodiversity at the University “Statale” of Milano.

I have accepted the task with joy and would happily have done it for free instead than receiving a stipend that many would have considered to be insultingly low. But that was not possible. This is the appreciation that science and teaching deserves in my country.

Hundreds of students attending my course were given an in-depth outlook of the complex relationships between marine species and ecosystems and human activities at sea, and what can be done – or should be done – to address the issues and mitigate impacts.

Many of them who wished to consider a career in marine ecology were given the opportunity of grounding their decisions on their increased understanding of the subject, and of consulting with me on specific questions. I wish all of these young women and men of goodwill a happy career – abroad.